Update: Payment Policy Reminder

Good Morning,
To ensure a smooth and secure booking process, I would like to remind you of my payment and deposit policy.
All appointments require a 30% deposit, payable via the beem app or by bank transfer, with the remaining balance payable on arrival via the Beem app or in cash.
However, cash-only payments are not accepted.
Deposit requirements are advertised heavily everywhere to avoid confusion. In the past years, cash only payments were an option; however, as circumstances evolve, so must my accepted payment methods.
Deposits are essential for confirming your appointment, providing legitimacy, and ensuring both safety and assurance.
By requiring a deposit, it creates a mutual commitment, allowing me to prioritise genuine clients and maintain the quality of service you deserve.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation regarding this update. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to help!
Warm regards,
Zoey Ashford