testimonials for Tantric Goddess Leyla

Date published: November 21, 2022 at 9:57 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Tantric Goddess Leyla - Touring Escort
Forever Changed's favourite image of Tantric Goddess Leyla
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I was part of a powerful and life changing Couples Session with Leyla. My husband wanted me to do this and I honestly am not sure why I said yes, I just felt like it was right. I know nothing about Tantra but I now want to know more - I have never had my eyes opened like this before.

There was exercises we did and I was asked to verbalise what felt good to me out loud and it not only surprised me but also my partner. There was ways that I am touched regularly that doesn't really excite me and I honestly never thought about it. It was like it became part of the 'process' of our sex life and I didn't think to say anything to myself or to my partner.

The entire experience is so hard to put into words. I feel like I know myself so much more now and that allows for a deeper understanding of what I want. As well as knowing what my husband wants.

The entire time we were held in such a safe and non-judgemental space, it was like a Leyla gave us the safety to be incredibly honest and raw with each other. The intimacy we now share is beyond words and I feel SEEN by my partner in a whole new way. Actually I feel TOUCHED by my partner in a whole new way. I know it might sound strange but after all these years I thought we would have talked more, but it is like Leyla gave us the right language to speak.

Thankyou Leyla, we will be booking in again or doing coaching sessions with you. I know with every fibre of my being that this is the next direction we need to move into as a couple. I feel young again and we are laughing together so much more. One of my girlfriends asked me what was going on and I didn't say anything, but I think I will tell her about you and your work.

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