testimonials for Olivia Clément

Date published: June 14, 2024 at 2:44 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Olivia Clément - Melbourne Escort
Andy's favourite image of Olivia Clément
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Olivia is the most incredible woman I’ve ever met! She is also the most wonderful breath of fresh air to enter the industry for quite a while and I just want to tell the whole world why!
I was scanning SB when I noticed Olivia’s profile, it was new. To be honest, it was her wonderful photos that immediately craved my attention. The initial impression I got was that of a girl who is sexy, refined and extremely classy. And she is also physically just my type - not too tall, not too skinny but perfectly proportioned. Someone who obviously exercises and takes care of her body. However, that always only gets my attention for about five minutes. Because that’s not important, this is about making a connection. What is important is who they are as a person!
Upon reading her profile I knew she was the girl I wanted to book. It is so beautifully written and so different from that of every other girl. I’ve never read something that is so obviously written from the heart. She spoke to me as if she had written it personally for me and was asking me to come to her! I just had to message Olivia and find out more!
From the very first text message I knew there was something wonderfully special about Olivia! We had an instant rapport, and the conversation was so easy. She wanted to know as much about me as possible (and me about her) and everything just seemed to flow so naturally between us, and we hadn’t even met yet! So much so, that I sent her a deposit even before I could set a date for us to meet!
After booking in a time the planning began. She mentions in her profile her love of cooking and food presentation, so I asked her if we could have a dinner date where she demonstrated her culinary talents for me! What a wonderful decision! I can honestly say that Olivia took on this challenge with both love and dedication. The time and effort she spent preparing for my date with her is something I never expected, beyond belief, and I can’t thank her enough!
After much anticipation, the evening of our date finally came. The moment she stepped out of the elevator my heart fluttered, maybe missed a beat! She looked stunning, dressed in a beautiful little off the shoulder dress! Incredibly pretty, sexy and classy, just as I had imagined! But it was her smile that really took my eye as we locked gazes for the very first time!
Now back in the room the conversation flowed just as it had in our text messaging, no awkwardness, just so natural between us! I had brought champagne and strawberries and I put on some background music, a playlist that I had prepared. By now I was so looking forward to dinner!
The food was divine, every dish simply exquisite! Olivia is a very talented young lady in so many ways and that definitely includes in the kitchen! The Japanese meal that she prepared was truly of restaurant quality! She even provided my own personal menu as a memento of our date, which was incredibly sweet!
After starters and main course, we shared the most tender of moments. Olivia is the most amazing kisser, so passionate and her lips are so full and soft. Well, one thing led to another, and we postponed dessert (the most beautiful crème brûlée and matcha mochi with red bean paste) and moved straight on to the other dessert that we were both eagerly looking forward to!
I’ll leave most of what happened next to your imagination although I will say, Olivia is the most passionate and giving lover I have ever shared a bed with! I truly felt as if we were one.
With everything I have mentioned so far, I already feel that I have described Olivia as my dream girl. I love the way she looked at me, with genuine affection, she simply melts my heart. And she made me feel so special, like I am the most important person in the world to her. With Olivia the intimacy is just so beautiful and pure, the way she touched me was electric, it gave me goosebumps all over! And she loves to be touched too! I could go on, but I’ll simply say that intimate time with Olivia is just the most sublime, beautiful experience.
I can’t believe how lucky and privileged I am to know Olivia. She really is the most wonderful person, the most beautiful heart and soul. She is intelligent, caring, compassionate, giving, loving and passionate about life – all the things that I look for in a woman! The connection we made was truly complete – emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically – it’s rare that you find someone like this! My life has become so much better for having her in it! I can’t thank her enough for just being who she is! I truly cherish her! She deserves the very best that life has to offer and to be treated with the utmost of respect. Please treat her like the princess she is! I only hope that I did enough for her in return for the wonderful love and kindness that she has given to me!
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