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Opse I over slept and missed my hair appointment

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It may be a little later in the day today to say good morning, but for me this day has just restarted and it’s as though someones just hit the fuel injection button for a full throttle experience.

I could always play that card & day “I’m booked solid”, let’s squeeze into tomorrow game but that’s just not me - honesty is always the best policy I say, so here below is my silly tale from this mornings early adventure.

After my morning yoga rituals, I fell back into a deep sleep, kindly my teacher covered me in a blanket and allowed me to sleep whilst the next class started (how confused was I to wake in a group of sun saluting yogis).

The reason why I’m telling you this is because, I have managed to miss my early. appointments & reschedule them back to back today till 3pm - over drive.

Newcastle I’m going to require to stay here in Sydney a little later into the day to attend pre tour glamour Events: Claws, paws, curls and more....

Forgive me my loyal play-friends, sometimes a girl can’t help but stay up and fiddle with her lady bits after a wax - (Ladies reading this you know what I’m talking about).
A late slumber has set me up for a big smile & a tiny delay through out the day now.

But if you know me, you know I will make it by giving my sexy little self up to you in every which way possible.
Now I ask, Newcastle, pretty please if you can adjust to my delay a day I will see you Thursday, Friday and although I’m leaving Saturday - this could be a little morning glory treat

Your little leisurely Luxy
Companion and sensual Seductress
SMS: +61477492532
WhatsApp: +61455598019

If I don’t answer please sms a direct requests and I will be sure to make advances to answer your every query, in hopes to see you soon xo

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