What happens when your morning masturbation session can't put you back to sleep

So here I am it's 2:30 am and I am wide awake....unsure if I have stopped sleep-walking and just lay awake now, either way, I'm not the kind to just do nothing.
Here I go, logging on to check into my profiles and upload a few cheeky selfies and post up some new tour dates, that took all of 10 minutes, what next?
Maybe a little online shopping, I do adore this Lux Lair so maybe I will purchase a new bar ....lock away the liqueur - or maybe just to display my beloved bottles in a better way.
Climbing a step ladder each time I require a little thirst quencher is a little challenging after a few glasses of pinot.
Maybe I will edit some images, the ones I took with myself, remote & tripod surely some of them are "OK?".
OOOOOH I know - I will finally edit my website, geez I wish I built a much simpler one for myself (note to self for 2020).
Dates, images, and some new gift-card & purchase options, review section....there's so much I want to do to my site.
I do adore a Monday, let's just see how long this bout of inspiration lasts for.
Leah Lux
Disclaimer: I wrote this earlier and chose not to upload till now, due to sleepy eyes xo