Third time is a charm it seems

Oh dear me, I had been trying my hardest to flee from Sydney all month but only till now am I here with my tickets locked in and my bags all packed / half-packed of course I'm using my laptop now.
First, it was an exclusive, then I fell on a wet bathroom floor (/ouch).....then well Life, how good is a life you can create your own plot twist and the return to the original plans.
Off to Brisbane to see my favourite sexy minxes and a few handsome gents too, I thought I might check in on a few creators and get a little content as I'm forever being asked ....but the answer is still a lingering no, I just love my discrete sex-life for me and my intimate other/others/ bi-standers.
Although I have been taking a lot of content to feed onto my subscription page in the next few months whilst I am out to see and most recently found a fun new play friend I might introduce before I go on hiatus.
This is my plan, off on a yachting expedition till late June July-ish who knows throwing caution and sails to the wind in the hope to have a little fun on the open seas and tropical shores abroad.
I decided months ago my studies weren't gaining the attention from me they required as exclusives and touring gained a little more time than expected to negotiate, so on my return, I will be sparingly available for exclusive Fly me to you and Sydney based affairs via my exclusive site on my return.
In recreating my booking systems over the past year, I found after lengthily creative number crunching and managing personalised dates, my personality was spent in the booking process when given ample time and exclusives encourage me to pack bags early ...for that extra naughty occasion.
So happy to be taking time to close my books and work exclusively through subscriptions and regular fun friends for this next few months' time out, let's see how it works out.
In terms of my website designing, it's so addictive once you start where do you stop, I was thinking of adding my favourite city inclusions and tour guide style planners too....but for now, I must be my most studious and focus on the path of least resistance - finish these finals and come back fresh for all the fun that has been that is to come - for now one last hurrah tomorrow and till Friday
But for now, I'm off this page and into the day ahead bags making my way to Brisbane CBD just for the day and night - then back to Sydney for a little localised frolicking with my favourites.
Your leisurely,
Ms Lux