Socialite Events and Dinner invites

By the morning I thought i would had come down off this high flying plane but alas im here expressing the events past all over again.
I just love the life i have created, some days reserving energy stores others being pampered the next i have three invites where i may require selecting which one takes my eye and or I fancy the occasion, location or launch and themes.
Being a ex social celeb its nice to be back in sydney available to attend gallery events, product launches and foodie venues.
Although i had never imagined a life so beautiful i am thoroughly impressed by the extent of the offers i gain.
In this time of financial decline im less the last minute, yet i have noticed some cancellations.
Im due to go deep into my last weeks of Studies - with HD a requirement to see me to my next enrolment I will be less available and hope to be more a stable attribute to the right suitor, without the phone attached to me email is my best point of contact.
I hope to close my books soon - lovingly memories and uninhibited intimacy awaits you - if you are the one be brave and take action to see me before my books close for the season.
Yours Kindly
Leah Lux xx