Life in Flux

Fluctuating between
OMG and Yes YES Yes
I’m that easily lead 10 emails, 1 phone call and moments later. I’m changing dates to suit an adventurous Fly Me To You.
With promises to go hot air ballooning and visit iconic locations (secret location, starts with an s…).
In light of any good adventure motion movie, I called plot twist and changed up what I could fit in an earlier trip to canberra
Shifted dates in Singapore
And posted my final tour dates.
There is so much excitement in the air, it for now I will enjoy this nations capitol city Canberra - before it turns into a circus (word is there will be a early election coming).
Oh dear I will have to post voting …by air mail.
Life in the Flux - I’m just so grateful of these opportunities, the excitement can not nearly be contained.
Looking forward to sharing my vibes down here soon.
As I safely arrived out of the big wet and into a little luxury - Canberra always a pleasure.
I might say thanks for drying up in time for my evening walk around the bell tower.
I just love to reacquaint myself here.
Now I just have to find some clothes to wear ….
More fun to report on soon
Leah xx