Day 1 or the last 365 almost finished my Sydney Stint

So here we are in Sydney CBD, just me my studies and a little sun amongst the afternoon hours.
I do adore being here, but alas the morning frost is setting in and the southern alps call out my name, oh I sure hope that the Melbourne borders open up for me to play there soon.I'm hopeful I may tour soon as my studies are done.....but there's just one thing standing between you me and the fun we potentially will have (I'm such a naughty school girl I can't help but be interrupted here and there).
Meanwhile, my #OnlyFans is quite a lot of content building fun, with the addition of new staff, I have been a very busy bunny indeed.
I'm on the absolute last leg of assessments here, I just hope I can hit my reward date and goals they are so close, soon the student becomes the teacher
Reward 1, coming to Melbourne to make some sexy memories
Reward 2, heading to the slopes and release all of this study fuzz in the alps
Reward 3, start my new role & release new service here for you all, I'm quite literally beside myself holding onto the excitement here.
I'm thankful for the friendly faces new and old that support me and look forward to the coming months' rewards yet to come.
Leah xx
Digital Doll & Lux Companion