Date change for a little R&R

From the Sunshine Coast to Canberra Canberra to the Central Coast & now Sydney.
Some times you just need to have a few days down time.
After those long weekends spent with relatives, you know those weekends that feel more like a chore than a blessing…no one wants to hear about that,& well “Why should they?”
You dont go into a bar and the bar tender tells you all about their misfortune on the weekend.
This is why some weeks call for a spa treatment and date changes, a walk between rain showers and a little light reading between rearranging the weeks events.
In order to make space to just be.
Being a companion means being a person first, and realising when you can be available and when you can not.
Of course after every good few days off comes a bouncing bubbly babe about town ready to make memories again.