It's that season again!

Morning my lively friends. Hope your all working hard to enable you to spend more time and money with the woman of your choice . Let's get your bells a jingling , ready and filled with Christmas cheer.
One thing I would like you to know and that's about presents and gifts many of you so generously donate all year round.I love presents don't we all . If you would like to donate to a charity of your choice that would be awesome.Please do so either anonymously or in your name and please donate directly to that charity. I don't need to know it is a very personal thing and it gives me great joy to know that some of you will. It doesn't matter whether its money , your time or advice . It's all a gift just as your patronage is to us .
It goes both way guys we give and receive everyday
Getting out my Xmas lingerie , wonder what it will look like with my thigh high boots.
Catherine xx