Eat drink and be merry today!

Yes I am aware that that phrase has been used in Biblical text .I thought it was something used by a Grecian Epicurus.. "The more simple life is the happier we become the more complex you are the unhappier you become ".
Its on my landing page on my new website. It definatley defines me . I have changed it a little to eat drink Fxxx and be merry for we know not what tomorrow may bring
I have realized lately that Ive become distracted from my plans. Which by the way are back on track , focus focus focus.
I get very frustrated at times when things dont go as I decided they should ( a bit of s control issue) then comes the realization that it was for the better and I learn something extraordinary.
I have a question ? why do we as women try to hold on to the past so tightly. Im specifically speaking of visual appearence. Its insne really , we pay other people copious amounts of money to try and change the external version of ourselves because we have a notion thst someone else has a different idea of beauty. WTF is that , I can only do me and in this life try and become the best version of me. I was having a converstion with a girlfriend recently about this and she brought it home to me. I cannot and will not compete with other escorts out there . There are so many beautiful lovely girls now. So many more than in the last decade. but everyone has there only special gift for you and you for them. I can only be me. So when you meet me, please dont come with an idea of seeing a supermodel . Im not now or ever have been. You can love , appreciate or reject what I have to give you, its your choice . Its not my business , but do not look down upon me . Arrogance is a sign of an insecure person , who looks externally rather than internally to resolve their personal stuff. This is not complicated.when Im with you lets get the flow happening , keep it simple easy and uncomplicated.
All i ask is that to please read the profile before you make contact .Alas there seems to be a vast supply of dumb and dumber who are illiterate too. Not on this website I might add, have you gents found this in your professions too? Now Im getting bitchie, sorry guys . just venting.
Im not overly educated or come from and elite background, but luckily for me I was born with a desire to learn , love to read and try new things( nothing above ground) Heights are not my thing . Dont you love that saying "ignorance by bank ballance".
there I go distracting myself again or not. So eat drink Fxxx and be merry today!
ps yes my boobs are still that good.
Catherine Lusso