escort diary® of Jayme Le Ruse

Jayme Lee Fox to Jayme Le Ruse

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Jayme Lee Fox to Jayme Le Ruse

Have you ever woken up one day to discover that the person looking back at you in the mirror is new?

It's moments like these that can be self-defining and even life-changing. Whether it be for the good things or the bad, change is inevitable. And just as people do, sometimes our work and brands need to change it up too.


In this blog post, we'll explore how embracing change can lead to a new you and how accurately rebranding yourself to reflect your inner self can create more success opportunities.

JAYME LEE FOX Final Curtain Call

It started as all good stories do, with a quest. Jayme Lee Fox's journey was to find my place in the business world, and I never knew how enlightening the future could be, but I have now evolved into so much more. For 20 years, I've been growing and changing as an individual while
learning about myself, my clients, my peers and the industry I am part of. I have learnt my authentic self, and prefer to keep the non-authentic at arms length. It’s time to draw the curtains closed and take a final bow as JLF.

Version 1.0

When I started as a private escort, I was very much the "limelight" type – always focused on teasing and pleasing rather than allowing myself to relax, enjoy and be happy. But now, two decades later, I stand before you as a changed woman who is more relaxed, organic,
and authentic to herself. Don't be fooled! I am one who still desires your wandering hands to deliver to me a little pleasing touch or two. Only now, I want to slow down in my approach and take my time with everything we do. It took a while to understand that Jayme Lee Fox was but a costume for me, one I was unaware I clung to and adorned for some time too long. Every time I would get ready to "entertain", I would put on my make-up and persona, which enabled me to perform. Over time, I realised that the entertainer
in me was not an accurate reflection of who I truly am. Did I recognise the woman in the mirror? I didn't and am now thankful I am her. Over the years,I have learned to be more relaxed and organic - feeling comfortable enough in my skin to just be myself without needing the show anymore. This process required constant work and learning along the way, such as an understanding of : how not to compare myself with anyone else and how best to embrace my love for me every day. This journey towards
self-discovery had ripple effects across all aspects of life for Jayme Lee Fox. From work life to personal life; it changed everything about who she was.Her newfound confidence also gave her the courage to take risks and make bold decisions that would have otherwise seemed impossible. With every chance taken came new opportunities, further fuelling Jayme's journey
towards self-realisation and growth. It wasn't always easy, though; along the way, there were times when uncertainty crept in or fear took over, causing doubts over whether this path was right for her after all. However, with unwavering determination and focus on what mattered most - being true to herself- Jayme pushed through these tough times, eventually finding success on the other side. It was these moments that shaped who she is today. Who is that? As a businesswoman committed to helping others find their paths towards growth and discovery just like she did twenty years ago when starting in this industry full of possibilities yet untold stories ready to be written by those brave enough to take them on head first!

The Thing About Names? You Can Change Them ..

Names can carry a lot of weight. They can reflect someone's culture, identity, or even birthplace. But words are also malleable – you can change them if you want to. In my case, I changed my name because it no longer reflected how I felt on the inside, and I wanted it to reflect my unique identity. Here's why I decided to do just that.

So Many Call Themselves Fox In 2023

When I chose the name Jayme Lee Fox twenty years ago, it was because there wasn't anyone else with that name—advertised There was no instagram, Facebook and other socials to create your handle names. The advertising directory had a whopping eight workers advertised, Jayme Lee Fox was and felt like a fresh start and an opportunity to create a new identity. But, as time went on, so did the increasing number of brands who started calling themselves Fox too.This meant that the uniqueness associated with the name was slowly disappearing. It didn't feel like my own anymore. At the same time, I was starting to recognise and embrace more of who I am.

Reconnection With My Self

I am still that wayward Lady who is always looking for something new and different, who has never been afraid to take risks or challenge convention, and who isn't afraid of being her unique self no matter what others might think. So one day, when it
hit me that "Fox” didn't reflect all these qualities anymore, I decided it was time for a change–time for me. I started reclaiming my identity by choosing another name better to represent me and all these things about myself.

That ‘New Name Smell’

The process of choosing a new name is exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time! After much deliberation (and some trial and error), I finally landed on more refined version of Jayme Le Ruse – which means "mischievous fox;" in French. That resonated with me since wisdom
is essential to my life journey. It felt like a perfect fit and helped clarify who I am today – something that had been missing from my life until then. Names are powerful things – they allow us to define ourselves in our own terms rather than be defined by external forces or expectations from society or family members/friends/etc. Reclaiming my identity by giving myself a new name has been a liberating experience because it permitted me to be authentically me in every sense – not just in terms of how others perceive me but also how *I *perceive myself! It's amazing what changing your name can do for your self-image even if it's only symbolic - so if you ever feel like you need a fresh start or want more clarity around who you are, consider giving yourself another chance by changing your name! Who knows - maybe this will be just what you need to get back on track!

My Rebrand Is An Extension Of My Refined Business Goals & Personal Values

Rebranding isn't about not attracting the right clients; it's about expanding on them, having more versatility for my bookings, and for me,
this meant encouraging longer bookings. When we invest in a refresh or rebrand ourselves, we decide not to be the same brand or same person anymore. That's when we know it's time to make a change.Self re-branding doesn't mean you have to reinvent yourself completely; instead, it's an ongoing process of discovering who you are as an individual. It means taking extra time out of your day to get in touch with your true self by doing things like meditation and mindfulness. Taking care of yourself is essential because it allows you to grow while maintaining
your core values. Moreover, self-rebranding is also about understanding the power of networking and building relationships with others with similar interests and passions. Networking allows us to learn from each other and develop skills that may have been previously
unknown or untapped. Additionally, being part of an inclusive community helps us boost our confidence levels and encourages us to take risks to reach our goals.


There's no denying that over two decades have brought about many changes that helped shape me into who I am today – but it doesn't end here! Everyday opportunities await those brave enough to take them, opportunities that can help us grow further than we ever imagined possible. So, look no further than Jayme Lee Fox if you need guidance on your journey towards self-discovery (or even advice on tackling specific problems). – She was someone who knew all too well what it means to evolve into a better version of oneself every day! Now you know too.

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