escort diary® of Goddess Iris

Coming Into My Feminine Power: My Journey to Milfdom

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Never in a million years did I ever think I would begin a new career in my 40s, let alone one as an independent escort. I'm university-educated (actually mid-way through yet more post-grad studies) and I had established myself in my former profession as a high-school teacher with over 20 years of experience. And although I am extremely open-minded, I never thought more about the sex industry beyond the stereotypes and attitudes commonly held in our society. I believed women who work as escorts must do so because they were out of other options, or were uneducated and down on their luck.

How completely and utterly deluded I was!

My decision to begin work as an escort in my early 40s was motivated by a massive upheaval in my personal life: separating from my husband of 20 years. I felt like I had been cut adrift; I no longer knew who I was or what I wanted in life. My desire for new sexual experiences and partners emerged and I felt like a teenager again, wanting to explore every aspect of my sexual being. And for a little while at least, I did. I was on all the dating apps and was so inundated with messages and dates that I felt at times like I needed a PA. In reality, though, I found so many men who looked great in their profiles but were so disappointing in reality. Often they just wanted casual sex with absolutely no intention of connecting on any other level. There seemed to be a huge lack of truly high-value men out there and this was actually causing me to devalue myself.

When my best friend mentioned that her friend in a country town had taken over the local brothel and was doing well financially, she told me she was so proud of her. I was shocked. She was proud of her friend for getting involved in the sex industry? This was quite literally a door opening to a whole new world of possibilities. I became curious and started researching high-end escort agencies. The next thing I knew I had accepted an offer from a Sydney agency and my career as an escort began. And let me tell you, it was a steep but exhilarating learning curve!

What I found overwhelming was the sense of empowerment my new work gave me. Never once did I feel like I was being used; I met a vast range of clients from all works of life. These were men who respected me as a woman and appreciated and valued the time we spent together. I realised I also had a lot of misconceptions about the individuals who utilise our service. I was consistently surprised by the frequently handsome, often very wealthy and educated, gentlemen I spent time with. More often than not, they treated me like a goddess and went out of their way to make my time with them enjoyable, often wanting to pleasure me for hours on end. Yes, there was absolutely hot, hot sex that was incredibly satisfying, but I found that my ability to connect on an intellectual level and my life experiences were some of my most valuable personal assets.

Eventually, I made the decision to go out on my own as a fully independent escort, take control of my business and career, and am now my own boss. Again, I have had much to learn and I'm always seeking to grow and excel in all aspects of my life. I get to choose the clients I want to work with and set my own boundaries. I've found so many men are attracted to women with life experience and a great personality as well as their physical attributes. Let me tell you, the milf phenomenon is real! And I'm so here for it. Once upon a time, I might have found the term 'milf' exploitative, but not anymore. To me, it suggests a mature woman with life experience, who is sexy as fuck, knows how to please a man, and knows what turns her on and gets her off. A milf brings confidence and self-assuredness that some much younger women may not have discovered yet in themselves.

Thanks for reading.

Goddess Iris. Professional Milf xx

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