testimonials for Sasha Heart

Date published: May 5, 2018 at 10:38 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Sasha Heart - Melbourne Escort
Neil's favourite image of Sasha Heart
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With so many different escorts available, i decided to contact Sasha on a whim... I was not disappointed..

She is like if a croissant and some puff pastry walked into a bar... And then went home together… And then 9 months later there was Sasha... there is so much melty buttery sugariness going on with bun like curves…

The experience was like the most amazing pastry I've tasted… buttery, caramelly, sweet and salty… perfect with a cup of strong black coffee… it was all about warmth, coziness, comfort and butter... It’s like when you open yourself -- even if it’s a crack of light from a door slightly parted, opened just a touch, a hair -- the rush of it, the thrust of it, will come hurtling through… At first you’ll feel something resembling assault, but you’ll give in... Acquiesce... You’ll surrender, because the risk you take is worth more than bolting up your body...

She is a perfect delectable balance of sweet and tart....
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