testimonials for Paige Aster

Date published: July 22, 2019 at 8:19 am
Clients favourite image for the review of Paige Aster - Melbourne Escort
enmanch's favourite image of Paige Aster
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Visiting from abroad, I was not fully aware of the excellence of escort service available down under. I chose to spend time with Paige and boy was that a decision that was for me one to remember for years ahead.
Paige was a delightful and stunning beauty. She met me with a radiant smile and a welcome hug we proceeded to my hotel room. I had a marvelous few hours with her.
She was skilled as one can be in the sensual arts. She was willing to do pretty much anything, paying attention of course to safety etc. Her oral skills were immaculate, she made me stroke her all over and explore her in ways I have never explored an escort before. She was sexually charged and charming as one can be and enveloped me in more ways than one. I was not a spring chicken but she coaxed my physical being to explode twice in quick succession. Dinner, an intimate shower and many memorable moments later, it was time to bid her goodbye. That was an experience worth repeating, miles and oceans between us need to be overcome. Highly recommended, one of the best I have seen among well-known escorts in several countries. Kudos to her.
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