testimonials for Miss Tallula

Date published: August 22, 2018 at 8:58 am
Clients favourite image for the review of Miss Tallula - Sydney Escort
John L's favourite image of Miss Tallula
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Over the last 6 months I have found myself looking for something different in my exotic experiences. Finally I summoned up the courage to do something about it,so I jumped on scarlet blue and had a look. After a bit of research I picked Miss Tallula to as she says in her profile " take me for a trip down the rabbit hole" . And what a trip it was! Tallula was very easy to contact and to set up a meeting. She showed great attention to detail and we had a good conversation about what I was looking in our session,health issues etc and what I would not be comfortable with. This helped to reassure me and settle my nerves. After a shower a massage was in order to settle my nerves and relax me. Wonderful start! I wont go into any more details from there as it is my own private memories. I will say that Tallula said I had the potential to be an "arse slut" . Imagine that!
I will say I highly recommend Miss Tallula for anyone looking to try something different. She is attentive,patient and seems to be able to just know what buttons to push and how hard. She is also just a lovely person to talk to.
Thank you Miss Tallula, looking forward to going on my next trip down the rabbit hole with you as my guide.
John L
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