testimonials for Lara Belle

Date published: January 20, 2019 at 4:15 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Lara Belle - Sydney Escort
Hugh's favourite image of Lara Belle
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In life we can build up expectations of our planned future experiences. We can find ourselves daydreaming about how we see these future experiences playing out. Then when we get to live out these experiences we can either find ourselves either sadly disappointed as the experience didn’t live up to our expectations or pleasantly surprised as the experience exceeded our expectations.

These words apply to my encounter with Lara Belle. For a long while I have wanted to see Lara but circumstances meant that until recently that hadn’t been a possibility. Fortunately the stars aligned for me & I was able to make a booking with Lara. Now prior to the booking I had done my research & visited her Scarlet Blue profile, looked at her twitter account(and just not the pictures) & perused her website. During this process, I became entranced by all the beautiful pictures, the sense of humour I found in her words & posts on twitter & the passion she expressed in the causes Lara rallied for & against. So as the booking came closer I began to daydream about my first glimpse of Lara, of seeing Lara smile at something mildly funny I said, of feeling her first gentle touch on my skin & other more x rated activities.

Well now as I write this in the euphoric afterglow of the encounter I’ve had with Lara this afternoon. I can safely say that the encounter with Lara not only exceeded my expectations but shattered my expectations. As stunningly beautiful as her pictures are, in person Lara was even more beautiful. To say Lara has a beautiful mind & a kind heart is just an injustice to how much fun & how beautiful is Lara’s nature and as for her skill on top of bedsheets let’s just say if we would equate skill on top of bedsheets with the ability to paint then Lara would be grouped with Rembrandt, Da Vinci & Botticelli.

To finish this review I’ll tweak a series of tweets that Lara often posts on her twitter account called we rate dogs.

This is Lara Belle. She is a beautiful human being. The beauty she radiates can’t be adequately described in a 100 words, a 1,000 words or even a 1,000,000 words. 110/100 would agree.
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