testimonials for Jessie Marie

Date published: December 24, 2017 at 4:43 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Jessie Marie - Melbourne Escort
Jack's favourite image of Jessie Marie
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I’m a sucker for a smart intelligent woman with a smile in her voice, seriousness in the content her words and confidence in her sexuality and being - a woman who flows with her body and offers to share her pleasure and accept her partner’s pleasure. I have always sought the tantric pleasure and heavenly nirvana of the journey to the explosion at the destination. And so it was with the beautiful Jessie who opened herself to me for two wonderful hours.

We communicated with ease, got to know one another a bit over a glass of wine and were chatting about the post-Freudian distinction between need, demand and desire. She surmised that I might be shy to make the first move so she took the opportunity to ask “and what is your desire”. I replied “you”.

The rest is two pleasurable history. I was sad as she left because I wanted her forever. She replied, “we can look forward to another time”. Days later, I still yearn. I look forward to my next trip to Melbourne and a dinner date with Jessie.
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