testimonials for Indian Heer

Date published: October 13, 2023 at 3:29 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Indian Heer - Touring Escort
Davo's favourite image of Indian Heer
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On arrival I got a warm smile and even warmer embrace as I walked through the door, felt totally at ease and in a few moments was just trying to find my balance with this gorgeous lady. Straight away she's focused on what I might expect or desire, and by this point I'm nearly in love - joking aside - she's pretty - lovely-pretty in a way only Indian ladies can be, and those curves and such a firmed toned body - such a gravity defying female form!
She's also hilarious, with a lovely practical sense of humour - actually it's wicked, I laughed out loud on the way home about some of the things she said.
The massage and the way she directed someone as inexperienced as me was epic! - the way she 'put' herself into it was surprising and very, very intense - what she describes as a 'cuddle' is something you need to take a few minutes to recover from and remember where you are - I was totally lost in that moment.
After a cool down chat, shower another chat and goodbye I walked away and looked at the clock...FFS have I been in a time-warp? was I there that long? Just WOW!
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