testimonials for Danielle Slater

Date published: May 12, 2017 at 6:05 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Danielle Slater - Sydney Escort
Peter's favourite image of Danielle Slater
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I always get nervous meeting a new person, even where there has been a recommendation from Sydney’s Ocean .. and a recommendation cannot be higher than that, so it was with the usual trepidation that I went to meet Danielle Slater this week.
It took about 2 seconds for all of that to evaporate when Danielle came to meet me at the door. You can see from the photos what a smoking hot body Danielle has. As usual, the photos, stunning as they are, cannot capture what you meet in person. Beauty is truly not in the flesh but is absolutely always in the ‘presence’ a person has, and by that measure, Danielle has true and impeccable beauty. Make no mistake, physically Danielle is stunning. She is tall, fit and lithe and is insanely pretty – you will have to experience her smile to know what I mean. This is a girl that if you saw her in a coffee shop, she would make your life better simply by knowing that such beauty exists in the world and if you encountered her in a social setting, you would just want to spend time with her, and here I am not even thinking about the fantasies that would creep in about wanting to be alone with her in the shower, on the floor, anywhere. I am sure that she would light up anywhere she goes.
I do not like to give blow-by-blow descriptions of an encounter that it always a product of the chemistry between two (or in this case 3) people. Rest assured, Danielle is confident in her own skin, sensuous and responsive. She has a maturity beyond her years and my life is better for having met her. What a beautiful young woman!
Of course, this was a doubles session with Ocean. I have written about Ocean many times and my appreciation of her deepens with every encounter. Ocean and Danielle have an absolutely amazing chemistry and it was a total joy to spend time with them together.
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