testimonials for Danielle Slater

Date published: April 20, 2019 at 12:12 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Danielle Slater - Sydney Escort
Hugh's favourite image of Danielle Slater
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Where do I begin ....

Is it at the moment with a stomach full of butterflies, I knocked on the door & I was greeted by the heavenly sight of Danielle & I realised that seeing Danielle in person that none of the photos or videos, none of those amazingly sexy, beautiful photos or videos accurately captured this beautiful lady standing in front of me.

Is it at the moment that Danielle removed the last piece of her clothing & I was presented with this curvaceous, gorgeous, absolutely stunning naked lady & I found myself thinking breathe, just breathe, don’t forget to breathe.

Is it the moment I was talking to Danielle & I found myself bedazzled by her personality & thinking that having this combination of looks, personality & brains could mean you could classify Danielle as a deadly weapon.

Is it the moment of the first kiss with Danielle where my lips melted into her & all thoughts of the outside world were forgotten & time seemed to stand still for me.

Is it the moment wen I felt Danielle’s touch on my skin & it elicited from me my first silent thank you Jesus but definitely not my last in our booking.

Is it the moment I slumped into the bed sated with pleasure thinking that was my final opus in regards to how much pleasure I could receive from another individual only to feel Danielle’s sensual touch on my skin again & realise that my opus hadn’t reached its crescendo but had only just begun.

Or is in that final moment before I said goodbye & I was thinking to myself should I ask Danielle to pinch me because this might have all been just a beautiful dream but then deciding not to because I realised if it was just a beautiful dream then I didn’t want to wake from it.
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