escort testimonials by Charming Maninblack


Date published: February 14, 2023 at 3:52 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Sutton - Sydney Escort And then someone comes along who blows every other experience you’ve had clean out of the water… Imagine a booking that surpasses all expectations to a degree you simply cannot imagine. I know, by definition that’s impossible. To do Sutton justice in words is impossible. Read her other testimonials and you’ll notice words recur. Beautiful. Personality. Fun. Amazing. As finding words to d...
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Sydney escort

Sofia Belle

Date published: October 3, 2022 at 7:47 pm
Within five minutes, I found myself thinking, “Unless this takes a very unexpected turn, I would very much love to see this girl again." From that point, it only got better. But to start at the very beginning:  From SOFIA's first reply, I had the feeling I’d made an excellent choice. Courteous, professional, and - major bonus points - funny (in good, deliberate ways). It shone. Each subsequent...
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Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Singapore escort

Porscha Scott

Date published: June 24, 2022 at 5:12 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Porscha Scott - Sydney Escort The first thing you notice is the moviestar smile. It’s electric. Dazzling. Think Julia Roberts. The smile is so great, so engaging, so ever-present, you almost don’t notice anything else. Except you do. You notice how, within the space of a minute, her nature, her warmth, has you feeling like this is not a first-time meeting; it's more like friends catching up. (Or perhaps a first date with the...
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Sydney escort
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