Chloe Alexa
Date published: August 11, 2021 at 7:09 pm
Oh my gosh, I met Chloe just recently and all I can say is wow! When the door opened and Chloe was there, I really couldn’t speak. I was just so enamored with her smile; what I didn’t know then was her laugh would draw me in more.
The joy and laughter and conversation just flowed so easily. Our love of food and my recent obsession with yoga was a highlight of the afternoon. I’m already lookin...
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Hope Morgan
Date published: March 14, 2021 at 9:14 pm
Where do I start, really? I’m just so grateful for having met Hope.
Hope is the modern day personification of a 1940’s / 1950’s bombshell. Imagine yourself in the trenches with a picture of a sweetheart getting you through the day, now picture Hope as that sweetheart and you’re eager, ever so eager to get back home.
I kept getting lost in Hope’s smile and then longing for the smile in Hop...
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