testimonials for Alice Grey

Date published: June 22, 2017 at 10:32 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Alice Grey - Melbourne Escort
Marc's favourite image of Alice Grey
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Another World

Saturday night, cold but upbeat. The city is pulsating with the rythym of a populace out for an evening, looking to release their energy into the cities heart. This was also the night where finally the stars aligned and a meeting that had been in the pipeline for some six months finally came to fruition. A meeting set up to continue a game already underway but fininshing on a path that had not been envisaged.

The drive in from home to the agreed meeting point was long, forty five minutes to be precise. Forty five minutes to mull over if the plans should be followed. Yes nerves played their part, but also insecurities in the detailed request and if Alice was honestly happy to indulge in the fantasy planned. Was this going places dared to be dreamt of but not meant to be indulge in?

Arriving in the locality of the rendezvous, focus purely on being on time and keeping calm. Yes calm because the nerves and excitment had built to a very tight knot and a familiar burn was eminating from the lower reaches of the oesophagus. Much of the day had been spent preparing and planning. Food drink, meeting location, clothing, manscaping and some communication with Alice to confirm a few requests. These small and somewhat innane tasks weighing upon each other and building the expectations, the anticipation, the nerves and the doubts. Having played with the beautiful Alice before meant the expectations and anticipations won out; the door opened and the alluring Alice Grey was offering greetings, drawing this addled mind to a focus, a focus that dissipated the doubts and nerves.

Plesantries now aside, the suite now occupied and a more intimate greeting was persued. Alice, from the moment the door closed led the way, passionate, sensuous and totally engaging. Seemingly aware of the apprahensions, a slow build was put in train; flirtacous glances , soft embraces and the gentle touch of lips and hands. The emotional intelligance to read her client and the skills to manage a blend of engaging conversation interspersed with good humour and intellect, to flirt and create a world where the other reality dissapears and for a short time Alice becomes the only reality.

Needless to say Alice managed to build a world of pure headonistic bliss. The planned role play ignored, the aprehensions and doubts misguided and the mind and body totally lost in the delights of the world Alice created. It took an extreme efort to break from the fantasy and return to reality and in truth my mind keeps returning. No doubt both mind and body will return to the alluring Alice Grey to once again become a muse to her skills in creating an alternate reality.
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