Why I became a male escort. Tommy hart

Why I became an escort.
All my life I have been blessed with having such strong, yet loving and caring female influences showing me how to be a gentleman. They have taught me care, compassion, and above all, respect for women.
Although I’m very good in the bedroom, I’m not in this industry for the sex or the money - they are just benefits of the chosen career. I want to give what’s severely lacking for women, both single and who have been in past/present relationships. I want to give an experience of romance, passion, excitement and care. I want to open their minds to what each and everyone of us deserve, and show what it really means to be cared for…even for a brief moment in time. I hope that the experience I provide sets the standard and has you walking away with a newfound pride and respect for yourself, of how you should be treated, and above all, what you truly deserve.
Tommy x