testimonials for male escort Emmett M

Date published: January 26, 2023 at 7:17 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Emmett M - Sydney Escort
Charlene's favourite image of Emmett M
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If your looking for a male escort to satisfy your needs with the utmost of care and respect then you should choose Emmett. He is foremost a gentlemen and wants to make you feel comfortable, safe and secure at every point of the experience. He has a lovely, humble personality that can put you instantly at ease. Truly. Then, he will wait until your good and ready to turn up the heat. And DAMN can he turn up the heat! However, being a sensitive soul, he is exquisitely attuned to how you feel and will slow down or adjust just as you require. You will feel in the best of care and appreciate his dedication to customer satisfaction. And he can surly satisfy you with his level of finesse and stamina ;)

In addition to being an absolute tiger in the bedroom, Emmett is gifted at making an genuine human connection. Just as easily as he can stimulate you physically, he can stimulate you mentally too. He is curious and likes to take an interest in you as an individual and will listen to you whole heartedly. He has an insightful nature, charm and interesting life experiences which he will use to make engaging conversation with you. His interest in also touching your mind elevates everything to a whole new level. Connection is at the heart of what he does though and he does not go over your head. Its just another way he will please you <3

Thanks again for an unforgettable experience Emmett!
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