testimonials for male escort Emmett M

Date published: September 6, 2022 at 2:50 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Emmett M - Sydney Escort
Jazzmin's favourite image of Emmett M
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My dearest Emmett
I just dont know what to say...... im not sure if this is a testimonial, love letter or a warning to thoes who go down this path.
I must admit my nervousness in meeting you and how easily you stole that away from me
Your eyes that smile your first words i just dont know
I can only describe you
Your are an Owl soft wise worldly with soo much knowledge and mystery
A star soo bright shining and unable to reach up, take and keep you for myself
And cupids arrow so long have i walled my heart yet you pierced through so easily
I long to see you again and again and feel your warmth but i must detain from the trap that is your encompassing soul how easily you surrounded me
Lady's be warned your are the ship in the night and he the light house guiding you to safety, but dont get too close the rocks can be your undoing
You ask where all the good men are ? Right here the genuine article
My dearest Emmett
I supose this is more of a farewell
The experience you have given me i must thankyou but i just call fall in love again
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