Hello there.
I'm thrilled to be able to be finally starting this blog. It's been on my to-do list for too long (probably years), but as we all know - life tends to get in the way.
Let me start with telling you a little bit more about me.
I am born and raised in Sydney. Sydney is and always will be my home. I've thought about moving overseas, to Vegas or Tokyo, but I don't think I could ever be away from my family. I'm very close with my family, which may surprise some of you considering the life I live. Up until the past year my life was pretty normal. I had a 9-5 corporate job, a university degree, a professional license, my own apartment, parents happily married. Normal, but ridiculously unsatisfying.
It didn't take many years for me to realise that the life I had planned was not what I wanted to live. Not that I planned this life either, it kind of just happened. I won't get into the story now, it's too long of a story, so let's savour it for another day. But what I will say now is that one of the most fascinating realisations i've ever had in my life is that I could be treated a million times better as an escort than as a consultant in a snazzy, high-profile, corporate firm. Don't worry, all my secrets and stories will come out eventually.
So now let me tell you a little more about this blog.
I'm sure you've all watched a Sex & the City episode or movie at some point in your lives. This will be a little like that, sprinkled with some Secret Diary of a Call Girl. If you've never watched that show then you must!
I hope you enjoy the ride.