Do escorts get scared at bookings?
When I first moved out on my own, I made a promise to myself that I would never watch another scary movie. I didn't realise the same rule really should have applied to my new job too... No more scary TV where escorts get murdered.
Recently I watched the Jeffrey Dahmer Netflix series and it PROPERLY got me scared at the next few outcalls I went to. To be honest I don't think I've ever really been that scared at any outcalls I've been to. This is for two reasons. Firstly, I feel like all my senses are heightened tenfold at outcalls - I see, hear and smell EVERYTHING. More so than normal. I'm on super high alert. The first thing I do when arriving is analyse the entire house from the outside, and then do the same on the inside. I've seen the inside of enough houses, hotel rooms and apartments to know if something looks, feels or smells a bit off. The second reason I'm not too scared at outcalls is that I truly do think that I would be able to fight my way out somehow. I also mainly work during the day and also mainly take incall bookings, but that's only because I'm hella lazy (not because I'm scared of going to outcalls). Knock on wood I haven't been in any bad situations yet. When I first started escorting, my mentor Lora told me she would always get so terrified at outcalls. I've really never felt that. That is, until I watched that damn Jeffrey Dahmer show.
Read my full article here:
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