Diary Entry No.1
Hello there.
You don't know me that well, but you're about to. Well, a version of me anyway.
I've decided I'm going to be starting some proper diary entries on here. I have a very twisted and convoluted life - there is always so much going on with me, my friends and my family. So I'm sure you'll all have a ball reading all about it. Plus, there is so much that goes on in my mind each and everyday, so it might be nice to get it all out for a change. I kept a diary only once in my life for maybe two weeks when I was about eight or nine years old. Until one of my friends came over, found it (even though it was hidden) and read all about how much I secretly hated her... As you can probably imagine, that was the first and last time I ever wrote what goes on in my head. However, in my writing class that I'm taking, they say it's good practice to keep a journal, so let's see how we go - second time's the charm, right? Who knows, maybe one day it'll make a good book.
Read the full diary on my blog:
Until next time.