Crazy old Wild Guy .'s favourite image of Selina Kyle
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Well, I wont say WOW! as that is no longer original, but I will say Whoopie Wow cause this girl is an amalgamation of all of the W”s. She’s just so much fun to be around, her WHOOPIE FACTOR is off the Fxxk Me scale. So much so that if you cant see the beauty and originality in her style, you’d better check what you’ve got written on your gender profile. This young lady is Whoopie Wow!, so bloody sexy and original in her approach to her presentation amazingly original in her Quirkyness! She’s an Enigma who will pop your cork, steal Your attention away from the norm and rob your imagination of any innocence or stereo typing you’ve ever entertained. She’s Bloody beautiful, damn good fun, as Quirky as ever, as sexy as the depths of your imagination will allow you to go and on top of all this, she’s an amazing lover. Can’t get enough of this one, as the add says, You gotta get you some of this. ! YOU SURE AS SHIT WILL WANT MORE, LOTS MORE OF THIS AMAZING LADY.
Old man Who?
Old man Who?