I’m Taking Next Month Off…
Hi Lovers,
I love this community. I love writing this email. I love hearing from you. I love building Paz Bizarre as a brand & business…
AND I need time away.
The flip-side of loving what I do is that I struggle to give myself permission to just be.
So I’m taking the ENTIRE MONTH OF JANUARY off.
I’m reminding myself that not-doing and not-accomplishing is enough… that I am enough.
I’m spending time with my family. I’m drinking my coffee while it’s hot!!
I’m taking solo morning walks. I’m putting away my phone. I know that when I make time for myself, I always come back with more energy, big ideas, and a renewed sense of enoughness.
Something else I know: You deserve time to just be, too. Join me in practicing self-care right now by taking a deep breath, placing a hand on your heart, putting your feet on the ground, and saying: “I am doing enough. I am enough. I always have been.”
Looking forward to connecting with you in 2023.
I wish you all the juicy-ness, & ALLLLLL the best & most delicious things in life!
Remember This
You are enough. You are enough as a person. You always have been, and you always will be.
See you in February.
Miss Paz Bizarre