Updates, Regulars Lounge and Photo shoot.

Hi Gentlemen, hope your all healthy and well.... I've missed so many of you so much!!! What a crazy year.
I truly hope your all well and safe.
I have done a major revamp of my website check it out www.armarnib.com
I have a members area aswell as a area called the Regulars Lounge- both are free to join, Regulars Lounge is for verified known gentlemen only.
Once you have registered send me a sms or a email with the name you used to register and I will approve you if I can verify our relationship.
RL contains exclusive deals and updates. It's also where I upload my images first.
NEW PHOTOS were done last Thursday my photoshoot should be finalized and ready to publish after the school holidays as my photographers on a break. They are very sexy..
I have implemented a CV19 survey it is sent via a link prior to our meeting for you to answer and submit anonymously this ensures I have discreet methods to contact you if need be and an acknowledgement if you are told to isolate or have bean contact traced you will inform me promptly so I can ensure the safety of you, other gentlemen, myself and those on our lives.
I have decided to further limit the amount of dates I have and will only be contacting those whom introduce themselves correctly and display proper mannerisms when making contact.