Life in the time of COV-19

Dear Clients,
In this uncertain time, I am especially and unwaveringly committed to doing everything I can for the safety and well-being of my clients.
As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) affects us all in diverse ways, please be assured that I am closely monitoring this rapidly evolving situation. As always, my home is meticulous; however, I have equipped myself with additional cleaning and sanitising supplies and am following the prescribed safety protocols of regular hand-washing and sanitisation of all surfaces.
I have further ceased attending my gym, preferring to use the fantastic facilities I have within my apartment complex. I have also swapped my usual social activities for escaping to open spaces, relaxing by the ocean, or enjoying a relaxing meal at home.
I am requesting that unwell clients, or those who have recently traveled, re-book our interlude for a later date. If I am ill or need to cancel my travel plans, I will provide you with as much notice as possible, as well as a full refund. I will also continue to be especially vigilant about ensuring the company I keep are those who’s values reflect my own in this regard.
Should you find yourself in isolation and wish to enjoy me online, I have recently signed up to AVN stars These are uncensored photographs, not published anywhere else on the internet and updated daily for your viewing pleasure.
These are trying times, but as we keep our vigilance high, let us not forget to keep our spirits even higher. Until further notice, I am still accepting client dates. I am happy to consider a more flexible arrangement, such as sensual body rub or virtual companionship, to ensure you feel secure and comfortable in arranging an appointment with me.
With love,