Schedule Changes
I have had some changes to my schedule this week due to all my pre-bookings being outcalls and having so much paperwork, study and basic life things at home I need to do. Also I have no need or desires to spend my time in a hotel apartment all weekend. I live in a beautiful place with much better views than any CBD location could give me ;) .
I am available for outcalls Brisbane, Sunshine coast and also longer bookings in the Gold Coast. Please ensure you include booking details, including suburb and your accommodation type in booking and so importantly a first name. Download Beem it and get set up in under 5 minutes works across all banks and bank cards or be prepared to travel to a smart money machine to deposit prior to me getting ready to attend the booking. Sadly there has been too many prank bookings in Brisbane and Sunshine Coast areas lately, so these are required.
I have gone through my rates and information as well and made a few adjustments including added a new rate called P-B (PreBooked) rates, as the name stipulates I am more inclined to prebooked dates so I am offering lower rates for them. PreBooking of-course includes deposit that is a. percentage from the total via beem it or smart money machines. This is to show gratitude for gentlemen that prebook and deposit within a minimum of 4 hours before requested appointment time.
Hope you have a good weekend and Hopefully I get to come see some of you in your beds.
Armarni B