My week and Stay tuned for special offers and Updates

Just a quick message to Say thank you so much to the wonderful men I met this week and also the lovely regulars of mine I had the pleasure of seeing again. I had yet again a great few days hosting in Brisbane and have also been enjoying my outcall's in the city. I am still pending my tour dates for this week but will be bringing out a special offer as I have been really enjoying the ease pre-bookings with deposits have been putting on my life and schedule...
So stay tuned for that I will be releasing the special offer with a code in the blue room and also on my website and twitter feed-
Thank-you to the gentlemen that provide a introduction in their message and I am glad to hear that my selectivity is something that you uphold with high regards.
I am currently working on a project for my website, new offers and also some new packages and the most interesting and slightly old school service that I will be releasing and announcing later on in the week....
It is my last few months in the Industry, but im turning up the heat and show casing my skills before I permanently turn off the red light.
Introductions and manners are at the uttermost importance as I am busy in my personal life too as those known to me know I have alot of new and exciting changes coming up and all of which requires massive amounts of planning, appointments and well stress, but exciting stress :) haha if that's truly a thing. But the point I'm getting to if you want more than a copy and pasted response and your inquiry to be taken seriously, introduce yourself.
Hugs and kisses
Armarni B