Hello gentlemen , hope you are enjoying the holidays. I have decided o review my rates until the 28th of January 2020.
I have been planning some changes throughout the year , which includes new website and excerpts of my interesting and colourful life.
As of the 28th I am making a slight name change as it was suggested by my marketing expert .
I have had an unfair star rating placed on google which was instigated by another woman within the industry I am very sad that someone feels so insecure that they need to attack my business and me personally. I want her to know I have forgiven her, although I will never trust her again I wish her well
On a much lighter note , I'm back in the gym boxing gloves on and excited about life.
To all you wonderful men in the world , have the best holiday and may 2020 be the start of something amazing.
Catherine Lusso x