escort diary® of Olive Pearl

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As an escort I am facing certain challenges. Everyone does. The most challenging for me is probably being judged.

Judged by society, friends and family.

Not long ago, an old friend of mine found out about my profession. She was talking down to me, telling me that I was disgusting, a disgrace, that I should be ashamed of myself and how I could do this to my mother. She said I had no self-worth and no self-respect.

Saying this, I am fine with who I am and what I am doing. It is my choice to work as an escort. I am not doing it because I am unhappy or have no other options. This job gives me the freedom no other job does.

I can usually brush criticism off, but those words have hurt me. But I won’t be beaten down or discouraged. I know who I am and I know my worth.

I am writing this to let other people know that you will come across people like this. Don’t let their small-minded view of the world affect you. You are amazing and if you are happy, that’s all that matters.

Verurteile mich nicht.
Ich bin immer noch ich
Immer noch zu jedem Spaß zu haben.
Zeiten verändern uns,
aber nicht in unserem
Dort bin ich immer noch
Ich. Und du magst mich.
Oder nicht?
Oft denke ich an früher,
Fahrrad fahren, lange wachbleiben und
Doch jetzt verurteilst du mich, sagst
Das kannst du doch nicht machen.
Es verletzt mich. Mich verletzen
die Sachen
die du mir unterstellst.
Ich bin immer noch Ich,
ich bitte dich
Verurteile mich nicht.


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