diary of male escort Lexx Soule

The One That Was Left Behind (Part 4)

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This experience that I have shared with you is my strong point as to why I am good at what I do, and why I will continue to do the work that I do. Because while I’m just from a standard Aussie home, I have experienced, good, great, bad, horrible, ugly. I have been put through good schools, had a childhood, didn’t starve, experienced genuine love from my parents, have experienced being in love, stayed active, fit and relatively healthy most of my life. I have also lived out of my car, lived in another city, experienced serious break ups, lived by myself, been in trouble with the law, told my boss where to go, been fired within 20 minutes of starting a new job, and so much more.
These experiences have conferred me the humble view that there is always something better, and there is always something worse. This view allows me to have deeper empathy for people’s experiences and greater joy for people’s success.

Should you wish to talk about this blog when you make a booking you are more then welcome to ask questions. All I ask is that if my response is, “I do not wish to answer that” or, “I do not want to talk about that part” please respect my boundaries.

Should you wish to contact me to share your experience or make a booking, just email lexxsoule@gmail.com.
I hope you have enjoyed the read and have a newfound courage & self-belief.

Thank you for reading,
L. Soule.

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