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Politicians and sex is a volatile mix that you treat with extreme caution, and history is littered with countless examples. When a politician is found with an escort he is more or less finished.
If he gets caught having an affair with anybody or somebody, female or male, that too brings him down. So naturally they tread water carefully and are keeping some secrets very secret.
The truth is, any affair or liaison outside the professionalism of an escort is risky. These courtesans of companionship and pleasure are the safest option. They are also the most exciting and every bit engaging without the emotional complications. Simply put, it is sex made in heaven, repeating itself over and over without a yawn. Nobody ever got bored with an escort.
So it begs belief why on this earth our politicians, legislators and judiciary doesn’t give the sex industry, our industry, a fair go like everybody else. Previously I mentioned our anachronistic laws, and I doubt anybody will disagree. We need to change a few things and move forward, we need positive attention and good will. We need freedom of expression and the ability to channel our resources for the benefit of our clients and wellbeing of each one of us. It is tough when you reach out for help or advice, and what you get depends on which state you live in, and how that state views your service.
The insanity is that the same people who impose the laws, or ignore to make changes of outdated laws, are often regular clients of the escorts worldwide.
Politicians and other people in high places need the escorts more than anybody else.
They need them because not only is it the safest sex they will ever get, but the least costly.
Life is about games and fun and we play a part – sex, affairs, escorts, money and power – all so intoxicating and irresistible. Most of us can afford to play up and risk getting caught… there is damage of course but it all depends on the individual and their circumstances. But the fallout when a high profile person gets caught with his pants down is seismic. Like two opposing tectonic plates, the ground shifts and everything shifts with it, from bricks and mortar to paranoia and fear of entrapment. Here he orbits event horizon then he disappears into the black hole.
Look at what happened to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director and chairman of the executive board, IMF. Not only did he lose the International Monetary Fund positions, he also lost all hope of becoming the next president of France. There are many more. Bill Clinton, the most powerful man in the world, literary blew his head off. Republican Governor of Georgia Mark Sanford told his wife that he was going hiking to the Appalachian Mountains while actually he was visiting his mistress in Argentina. David Petraeus, the CIA director and former US army four star General, was found out by the FBI to be having an affair with his biographer.
Searching through the scandalous archives of those fallen angels, you will find that most of those caught were with a mistress in an ongoing relationship. It’s the “ongoing” part of the story with the very same person that gets them undone.
In my opinion, had they chosen an escort, the odds of not being caught would have been in their favour. A private escort’s footprint is very small… do it intelligently, do it smartly, and you can do it forever. But this is the price you pay for love.
Politicians and others with influence should start easing off a little with their superficial righteousness, and begin to care a little more about their human side and the need to enjoy sex unchained. The escorts and the general population welcome changes in legislation, and more sensible laws that reflect real people’s needs.