testimonials for Olivia Winsome

Date published: December 2, 2018 at 12:11 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Olivia Winsome - Newcastle, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney Escort
Mr Impulsive's favourite image of Olivia Winsome
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Needing to be in Melbourne for a full day of business meetings recently it was with surprise I noted a few days prior to leaving Sydney that my schedule included plans to meet colleagues flying in from Sydney mid-evening for dinner. With this I realised that it meant I fortunately had a brief window of opportunity before my colleagues arrived to hopefully gain the privilege of a social date with Olivia Winsome. I was hoping Olivia was available as I disappointingly missed meeting her during recent Sydney tour as I was overseas at the time. The Universe was working favourably for me on this occasion as after contacting Olivia she confirmed that she was indeed available and currently had an offer for Scarlet Blue members of a “Cocktail Hour” social booking for new clients. With a time, date and location quickly agreed, a “Cocktail Hour” date was booked and prepaid fully in advance.

On the day itself, I managed to get to the chosen Bar earlier than I expected and messaged Olivia that I had arrived and had secured a two seater lounge in a discreet area which would allow us to have a private conversation. Slightly before the arranged time a stunning statuesque woman entered the Bar, fashionable dressed in designer jeans, long boots, a jacket to ward off the typical Melbourne rain, and a blouse that allowed a glimpse of the delightful treasures discreetly hidden underneath. Drinks were delivered and a wonderful conversation commenced with us getting to know each other through many questions, occasional whispered answers, along with many laughs.

Midway through our drinks I was momentarily interrupted when I received a message from my colleagues advising that they were being delayed by over an hour leaving Sydney due to the weather there. Seizing the moment and after a quick discussion, Olivia confirmed she was available to extend our time together for dinner and accepted my request for a fully paid social date, and we soon left the Bar for a restaurant located in an adjacent area within the Hotel complex.

Olivia is a delightful social/dinner companion - intelligent, witty, engaging and a head-turning beautiful woman. Our discussions throughout the night covered many subjects and there was never the hint of an awkward pause in our conversations.

Just as we were finishing our main course I received a further message from my colleagues that their flight was cancel and would no longer be meeting me in Melbourne that night. This meant I needed to I book a hotel room and wait for their arrival the following morning. Briefly excusing myself to Olivia, I made my way hastily to the hotel reception and managed to secure a room for the evening. On returning to the table I respectfully enquired of Olivia if she would allow me the privilege of extending our booking for a further two hours after dinner as I had just reserved a room in the hotel now that I needed to stay for the evening. The Universe was truly on my side that night as she quickly agreed, full dinner date payment facilitated and what then proceeded was later described by Olivia as a time of “blissful play”.

At Olivia’s prompting we decided to decline the option of sweets and adjourn to my room, with Olivia suggesting she would prefer to serve “sweets ” of a different nature in private. Arriving at my room we quickly showered separately, with Olivia emerging from the bathroom in a bathrobe. I then showered and on returning to the bedroom Olivia was sitting on the edge of the large bed. Having been tantalisingly teased over drinks and dinner as to what was hiding under her blouse I was not disappointed as Olivia let the robe open and fall from her shoulders to reveal her stunning tanned and toned body.

Olivia’s description of a time of “blissful play” totally understated the impact of her presence in the room. During our time together Olivia was incredibly sensual, considerate and wonderfully passionate, along with a quirky sense of cheekiness when the moment required it.

After an intensely difficult day of business meetings and disrupted plans, Olivia perfectly illustrated that trusting my instincts and acting impulsively when I know something special is imminent can result in a time of wonderful blissful intimacy.

I am grateful to Olivia for allowing this level of spontaneity during our time together. I have now learnt that when you feel a special time is right, that it is now at that very second, don’t hesitate, trust your instincts and act impulsively. Lose yourself in the present so you can later revel in the realisation of a truly wonderful moment that can never be recaptured. Olivia took me on that adventure on that night.

Olivia introduces herself on her Scarlet Blue profile as “... the discerning gentleman’s perfect companion” - a description I can fully endorse but doesn’t fully capture the essence and beauty that is Olivia Winsome.

Thank you Olivia .... and until our next time, but maybe with a little more pre-planning.

Mr Impulsive xxx
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