testimonials for Olive Pearl

Date published: December 31, 2020 at 4:45 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Olive Pearl - Melbourne Escort
Steve's favourite image of Olive Pearl
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Following frequent contact on social media platforms, I was eagerly anticipating my very first booking with Olive, which I requested to be a 90 minute PSE encounter.

Olive’s warm welcome when we physically met for the first time was priceless. I had suggested she should dress to suit her mood and the sensuality of her little black dress number was immeasurable.

I had to restrain my building desire to savour her arousal until we had completed formalities, and her wandering hands to help me undress as we inhaled each other’s perfume had the desired effect on my arousal.

For the duration of the booking, Olive always had a delightful wantoness and need to be consumed in her eyes, and her vocal mutterings mentored me to continuously maximise the intensity of my stimulation.

I quickly learnt of her frequent need for total release whilst minimising her stimulation, as she enjoyed the pleasure that washed over her torso.

Olive incorporated one of her own toys to add to the intensity of our shared intimacy, and it was always within reach albeit discarded in haste at times.

I thoroughly enjoyed the sexual intimacy, compatibility and chemistry we shared, despite this being my first encounter with a young woman only too willing to delve deeply into my needs and share her own sexuality without compromise.

Now that we are at first base, having introduced ourselves both spiritually and physically to each other, I am looking forward to exploring our connection more fully along a journey of maximised shared fulfilment.
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