testimonials for Lillian Sumner

Date published: October 21, 2017 at 5:52 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Lillian Sumner - Ballina Escort
Ron's favourite image of Lillian Sumner
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I recently had a breakfast-time booking with the gorgeous Lillian, and I'm so happy I did...

I first noticed her photos, which are taken both outdoors and indoors and show a really lovely, slender, tanned lady who is obviously a free spirit, as you might expect since she can normally be found in Byron Bay. I followed her on Twitter, and was very happy to notice that she was spending some time in Brisbane that coincided with a trip I was taking, and made contact. Some friendly correspondence about possible times and dates and activities followed, and we agreed to meet for breakfast followed by some morning pleasure; I really enjoy morning sex, so this was a great arrangement, and breakfast would give us time to get to know each other, something I really value.

On the day, Lillian appeared at my hotel room right on time, and I was thrilled to see that her photos certainly depict her accurately. She is slender and tanned with a lovely mane of blonde hair, and I wouldn't have been surprised to find a film of salt water on her, she looked like a beach goddess who might have just come from an early morning swim. She greeted me with a big hug and a delicious kiss, and we sat down and had a short, starting-to-get-to-know you chat before heading off to find breakfast.

During breakfast, we got to know each other well; Lillian has had a fascinating and varied life and was happy to talk about it, and I'm always happy to share my experiences while getting to know a lady. Just looking at her while we talked was a joy, she really is lovely both physically and as a person, and that radiates from her in a very attractive way. By the time we finished breakfast I was feeling very comfortable with her, and also very ready for the next part of our booking.

I never give explicit details of the more intimate part of a booking, but I willl summarise; when we had finished breakfast and were in Lillian's room, things got very exciting very quickly. She is slender and agile and a really enthusiastic participant in sex who clearly is thoroughly enjoying herself, which is really important to me. Lots of kissing, lots of variety in positions and activities, and the feeling of genuinely collaborating in mutual pleasure meant that the next hour flew by in a series of timeless moments of lovely pleasure, and I had a huge smile on my face whenever it was not otherwise engaged.

Sadly, we both were checking out of our hotels that morning, so there really was a time limit and our encounter had to end. The whole experience felt like an encounter with the best possible friend-with-benefits. I had an amazing time with Lillian, and am really hoping I will be able to see her again soon.
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