testimonials for Isla Fae

Date published: April 16, 2019 at 8:31 am
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In four bookings, Ms Isla Fae helped me to transform from a confused and not satisfied, perhaps a bit frustrated visitor of sex workers to an inspired and confident guy who enjoyed visiting sex workers again and knew what he needs in a booking. I could also practice my social and dating skills on Isla and build my self-confidence, while I enjoyed her companionship, her beautiful body and curves, and her very pleasant kisses, cuddles and touches. Isla is a perfect girl for guys who need more than the basic skills in an escort.

A meeting that changed everything

Before I met Isla, I had a mixed bag of experiences. Some bookings were great. The majority of my bookings in recent years were a bit disappointed and didn’t make me feel good. I didn’t really know why. I was getting confused and it was seriously affecting my pleasure in visiting sex workers. I had not visited sex workers for a long time when I booked Isla for a couple of hours and I gave it another go. I entered her apartment a little nervous and we started with a relaxing and interesting conversation on her couch. After a while we moved to her bedroom, where Isla made me feel really relax when I was lying on her bed next to her. I enjoyed her kisses, cuddles and touches that followed a lot. I fondled her perfect body and her beautiful curves. Playtime that followed was intimate, fun and exciting. The hours spent with Isla were great. I felt on top of the world and felt we had a connection. It felt so good that the thought that I could become addicted to Isla crossed my mind.

It was a long time ago that I had a booking that made me feel good. On the way home I had a big smile as I was very happy and satisfied. Isla had said that she would tour my city after a few months and before I got home I decided that I wanted to see Isla again on her next tour. I had an afterglow that stayed with me for days. In the week that followed, I remembered something that Isla said during our conversation on the couch that resonated with me. She perfectly reflected what I was looking for in a relationship in my personal life, but also in bookings with sex workers. It gave me clarity about what was important to me and, perhaps more surprising to me, it gave me permission to make it more the focus. It also explained why previous bookings were great or disappointed depending on whether it was there or not. It was a big part of my time with Isla in the bedroom and I understood that this made my time with Isla so wonderful and perfect. This was an eye-opener for me; a gift.

When communicating with women, I always felt a bit tense and when I first communicated with Isla, it was the same. In the months that followed, we exchanged more messages, while I shared my joy about the first meeting and we planned and organised the next booking. It was easy to communicate with Isla and gradually I felt more at ease. I enjoyed my first time with Isla so much that I wanted to spend more time with her during the second booking, so I booked her for an extended dinner date. As I studied her tweets, I read she loves dinner dates. I am not experienced in dating. I only had a few dates with girls in real life and I had never had a dinner date with an escort. Because Isla had a calming influence on me, I saw the opportunity to practice my social skills with her. I shared my plans with Isla and she replied with an approving “You can practice on me all you want”. I needed some intel to organise the dinner date from a friend of mine and Isla’s code name became “my teacher” in the talks with my friend, although I didn’t tell my friend what topics Isla was teaching.

When planning our dinner date it became clear that I would not be able to meet Isla for a long time in the near future. I felt Isla grew on me and if the dinner date would be a success, I wanted to do something special with her before I couldn’t see her for a long time and I was thinking about a couple of days together in a hideout a bit out of the city in the forest. A couple of days with an escort was far out of my comfort zone and something very new to me. Although I had only met Isla once and had exchanged some messages, it felt okay.

First-time dinner dates with an escort

The day of my second booking with Isla came by. It was my first dinner date with a girl in a very long time and the first time with a sex worker outside the bedroom. I had visualised every step of the date many times, but still a bit anxious I drove to her place. I picked her up from where she stayed and we drove to a nice seaside restaurant just in time for a beautiful sunset. Food is one of Isla’s biggest pleasures and I am guilty to say I let her choices of meals influence mine. As the night progressed I felt more relaxed and at ease with Isla. We had lots to talk about and I was happy with her choices for my meals. I enjoyed Isla’s company very much and before I knew it we were one of the last people in the restaurant. We drove back to Isla’s apartment and moved quickly to her bedroom. I had discovered Isla’s love for massages and she liked me massaging her. I loved touching all the parts of her body while she showed her pleasure with small purring sounds like a cat. After the massage we had an intimate playtime. At the end of my booking our bodies were entangled. The night couldn’t have been better. I enjoyed every minute of it. Things worked out as I had planned, I didn’t make a fool of myself and I was very happy.

I had a great time and I decided to tell her about my plan for a 48 hour booking at this getaway place just outside the city. She liked it. She would be back touring my city at a time that wasn’t suitable for me for a 48 hour booking, but I would love to meet her for another dinner date before the getaway escape. After a couple weeks of tense waiting Isla had worked out the days and two bookings were made for another extended dinner date and a 48 hours FMTY escape with Isla two days for myself. I had to admit I was impressed by myself. Before Isla my longest booking was for a couple of hours and now I had booked an escort to fly across the country for me for a 48 hour booking. With a lot of anticipatory pleasure I started planning and organising the two dates.

After a couple of months the second dinner date followed the same scheme as the first dinner date. Isla was already waiting for me at her place when I arrived to pick her up. I had only met Isla twice and it felt very much like meeting an old friend who I hadn’t seen for a while. I was very happy and excited to meet her again. We went for tapas and smoothly we negotiated a nice list of tapas dishes, which one by one were delivered to our table. My work had made me a bit tense that week and Isla’s company had a relaxing effect on me. It was perfect. Back at her apartment I enjoyed our playtime very much and too soon the date had to come to an end. Both dinner dates were great fun and went perfect. This gave me a lot of self-confident. It felt that the end of my booking came way too early. An extended booking, e.g. a 48 hour booking, made more sense to me than ever before. I was very happy I had something to look forward to.

A beautiful and special first-time multi-day FMTY getaway

For our getaway I had booked a two day indulgence package at a wellness centre in the forest. It was nice self-contained room with a spa and the package included a couple massage in the wellness centre. I hoped that Isla would like it. A month after the second dinner date I picked her up at her apartment for a third and last time for a long time. This time for a 48 hours FMTY outside the city. She came to my city for me, for me! Okay, I did book and paid her, but still I felt special that she agreed. I was as happy (and excited) as Larry.

After we stocked up on supplies for our stay we went to a fish pub for a nice lunch. During the lunch Isla introduced me to a nice typical Australian drink I didn’t knew before. We left the city for the forest after lunch and drove to our getaway. Isla inspected the room and liked the place I had booked. I felt happy and a bit relieved. After a while we jumped in the spa and started a lovely talk. The sun set and the night moved in. Isla loves food. She also enjoys cooking and as a true Aussie (I’m not) she prepared our dinner on the BBQ. The company and the dinner were perfect and beautiful. It was getting late. Isla was not adjusted to my time zone and getting tired. We concluded our night with me spoiling her with a massage from head to toe. Soon after we felt asleep, a couple of hours after Isla’s original planned bedtime.

Isla had made it clear she wanted to wake up herself. I was awake early and it was a challenge to not snuggle up to her before she woke up. I liked looking at her while she was fast sleeping; looking at the bed sheet as it perfectly followed the lines of her beautiful body and curves. While waiting for her to wake up it was exciting to imagine touching her body as soon as she would be awake. It was for the first time I woke up next to a girl and it gave me a good feeling. After morning cuddles and kisses I asked her what she wanted for breakfast and brought her breakfast to her in bed. After a while it was time to get up and go next door for our couple massage. Although Isla loved my massages very much I never had a massage myself and was looking forward to our couple massage. I liked the massage very much and was very pleased that Isla also liked her massage very much.

After the massages we went to a place in the forest a couple of miles away for some relaxing drinks. I took the opportunity to order the Australian drink Isla introduced to me a day earlier and had a new favourite. Time slowly moved towards lunch and we ordered lunch at the same place. After lunch I felt an big appetite for her body and we went back to our hideout . We cleaned each other thoroughly under the shower before moving to the bed and enjoying each other naked and shower-heated bodies for a couple of hours.

When playtime finished we jumped back into the showers to prepared ourselves for another dinner date in the city. For my last dinner date with Isla for a long time I had chosen a restaurant at a beautiful spot overlooking the river. Isla jumped on the opportunity to order several oysters. After a tasty main meal we decided to take our desserts at our hideout. We still had the desserts from our in-house meal of the previous day. Still not adjusted to my time zone and after a long day the day before, Isla had to call it a day before she finished her dessert. She was already fast asleep when I put the blanket over her body. Satisfied with two beautiful and perfect days I took the empty spot next to her in bed.

The next morning I woke up again early and had déjà vu feelings when the morning followed the same way as the day before. Slowly coming to the end of my booking our talks became more personal and I felt completely at ease with Isla. I told her personal things about me and she replied with beautiful and inspiring insights of herself she had learned over the years. She gave feedback on my social and dating skill I had shown. Those insights and feedback were very useful to me, gave self-confidence and helped me forward. We packed our stuff. I drove her back to the city and dropped her off at her requested address. We said goodbye and had a last hug. Because I knew I couldn’t see her for a long time I felt a little sad and very happy at the same time.

Isla is a beautiful, talented and very special girl

There were six months between when I talked to her for the first time on her couch in her apartment and when I had a last look at her in my rear-view mirror when I drove away. During the four bookings I had with Isla, she had made an indelible impression on me. I have become very fond of her and like her very much. I had a lot of fun with her. She had shown me what I was missing in a booking and brought love and intimacy back into my life. She created an atmosphere where I felt safe to explore myself, to discover things about myself and to learn from what Isla taught me. I felt inspired and more self-confident after meeting her.

Isla is a great and beautiful playmate in the bedroom. Playtime with her was perfect and she knew how to please me. She is affectionate. Her touches and cuddles feels so good. It is as good as (touch) therapy can be. The time flew when my body and her touched. Every time I looked into her beautiful eyes and at her gorgeous smile, every time I fondled her beautiful body and curves and every time I touched her soft breasts, I wanted time to freeze and the moment to last forever.

Isla is more than a great playmate. She is also a great and relaxing companion. I enjoyed the many meals we had together and the conversations we had. I felt relaxed in her company, what does not always happen with girls for me in real life. The talks we had were entertaining, there was never a dull moment and there was also time for some “me time” or silence time. At some point during the planning, I felt a bit anxious and her reaction was lovely and sweet and made me feel better.

She is also a great and skilled teacher. I was able to practice my social and dating skills on her. She gave good feedback that helped and build my self-confidence. She also highlighted some areas where I can grow and develop more. I felt safe with her to show vulnerable and insecure parts of me. She handled it with grace and give beautiful insights of her own she has learned over the years. I learned a lot about myself with her and from her. She was a big help.

I can’t wait for the moment I can book her again and plan my next lessons with “my teacher”, even though I have to wait a longer time than I would like before there is an opportunity again to book her. Maybe, I am a bit addicted to Isla; maybe, this detox period is there for a reason.

Isla is a great and beautiful girl and perfect for guys who are looking for extra attention and special skills in a sex worker. I highly recommend Isla for guys who need more than the basics. Isla loves to help you with your challenges. Send her a text or email and see how she can help you.
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