testimonials for Belle King

Date published: November 25, 2020 at 3:36 pm
Clients favourite image for the review of Belle King - Melbourne Escort
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Blessed with the opportunity to see this young lady, work did it's best to sabotage the occasion. Running well over the scheduled time, I was running late with my rendezvous with the lovely Belle. Anxious, sweaty, dry mouth, headache, short of breath, not the perfect preparation for a close encounter. Managed to make my appointment just on time! Once greeted by the lovely Belle the outside world disappears . Those lusciouse watery blue eyes, radient smile, soft soothing voice, the outside world disappears. After enquiring about your day Belle l listens intently as you recount the day leading up to this moment; no judgement, nor recrimination, just a smile, I soft gentle touch, a passionate kiss, a drink and offer of a refreshing shower. The rest I shall leave up to your imagination, only to say that Like Alice in wonderland you are taken to a place one can only immagin; only this time you have control. As you transcend into the realm of the true girlfriend experience, you escape from the real world, to a world that you will want to revisit again and again. Thank you Belle.
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